The Master of Arts (MA) in English (Evening) programme conducted by the Department of English, Jagannath University has two streams:
- Master of Arts (MA) in English (Literature and Cultural Studies)
- Master of Arts (MA) in English (Applied Linguistics and ELT)
The MA in English (Literature and Cultural Studies) stream of Jagannath University aims at providing students with a broad knowledge of the field of English language, literature and cultural studies. It also seeks to develop and sharpen their critical faculty and equip them with the cutting-edge and state-of-the art knowledge and skills that will help them be qualified to work in any field as capable persons. Core courses of this stream include: Literary and Cultural Theories and Practices, Gender Studies, Film and Media Studies, Postcolonial Studies, Translation Studies, Contemporary Reading of Shakespeare, Modern and Postmodern British Literature, Modern and Postmodern American Literature, Latin American Literature, Continental Literature, World Classics in English Translation, etc.
Career Opportunities: Graduates of Literature and Cultural Studies stream can have job opportunities in the fields of teaching, journalism, television, film media, NGOs, banking, etc. Graduates of this stream also grow fit to qualify in the job tests of Public Service Commission like BCS and of other types of Govt. and Non-govt. organizations.
On the other hand, the MA in English (Applied Linguistics and ELT) stream generally aims to provide students with knowledge of the varied facets of applied linguistics and of the various globally recognized and followed practices, principles and methods of EFL (English as a foreign language) and ESL (English as a second language) teaching. The curriculum of Applied Linguistics and ELT stream followed here is specifically designed to create well-equipped world-class English language teachers and English language teacher trainers. The core courses of this stream include: Phonetics and Phonology, Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics; Sociolinguistics, Psycholinguistics, Second Language Acquisition Theories, Methods and Approaches in ELT, Teaching Reading and Writing Skills, Teaching Reading and Speaking Skills, Teaching Grammar and usage, Teaching Language through Literature, English as a Global Language, etc.
Career Opportunities: Graduates of Applied Linguistics and ELT stream can have job opportunities in the field of teaching increasingly demanded in both local and global English language teaching organizations. Graduates of this stream also grow fit to qualify in the job tests of Public Service Commission like BCS and of other types of Govt. and Non-govt. organizations.
The programme is run in 3 semesters:
- Spring
- Summer
- Fall
Click here to download the complete MA in English syllabi of both streams.